Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Faculty Achievements
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  • The paper titled Block6Tel: Blockchain-Based Spectrum Allocation Scheme in 6G-Envisioned Communications received a best research paper award in the
Date : 02 Jul 2021
  • Prof. Ankit Sharma worked as the Faculty advisor for ISA student’s chapter Nirma University. He has guided and encouraged
Date : 01 Jul 2021
  • Dr Sudeep Tanwar, Professor, CSE  joined the Executive Committee of the Computer Society Chapter of IEEE Gujarat Section. Looking
Date : 30 Jun 2021
Date : 21 Jun 2021
  • Awarded a competitive and prestigious International Student Travel Grant funded by WICE, IEEE ComSoc to attend IEEE International Conference
Date : 14 Jun 2021
  • AnSMart: A SVM-based anomaly detection scheme via system profiling in Smart Grids
Date : 11 Jun 2021