Wireless Sensor Networks , Computational Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning Applications
Computer Science & Engineering
PhD Scholars Guided
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Wireless Sensor Networks , Computational Intelligence , Machine and Deep Learning Applications
Dr Ankit Thakkar is working as a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr Thakkar has more than 20 years of teaching experience. He received his BE degree in Computer Engineering from North Gujarat University, MTech and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Nirma University, Ahmedabad, in 2002, 2009, and 2014, respectively. His research interests include Computational Intelligence Techniques, Wireless Sensor Networks, Machine Learning and its Applications, and Network Security. He has published several research papers in international journals and conferences. He is an Associate Editor for Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. He has been a reviewer for many international journals and conferences. He received the Gold Medal for securing the highest CPI among all graduating 2007 to 2009 batch MTech students of the Computer Science and Engineering Branch, Institute of Technology, Nirma University. He also received the state-level ISTE Gujarat-Vadodara Institute of Engineering award for Best Faculty in Computer Engineering, U.G. Program in Gujarat state for the year 2021-22. Dr Thakkar was invited as an expert for the peer review of research proposals submitted to the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India as well as the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) that runs the Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs (PRISM) Scheme of Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM), Department of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat. He is a recognized PhD guide at Nirma University, and three out of seven PhD candidates have completed their PhD under his guidance. Dr Thakkar has delivered research talks on various topics at national and international levels. His h-index is 20+ and i10-index is 40+. He is a Life Member of ISTE, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM.