Electric Vehicles (Electric Motors), Design of Electric Motor used for EVs
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering
General Information
D Block : 104
Electrical Machines , Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipements
Prof S N Jani is working as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, school of engineering, institute of technology since June 2009. He received his PhD degree from Electrical Engineering department, school of technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar. He has teaching experience of more than 15 years. He graduated in electrical engineering from Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science, Saurashtra University in year 2006. He received his MTech degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power Apparatus and Systems (PAS) from Nirma University in the year 2009. He has published papers in various national / international conferences and journals. He guided various postgraduate as well as undergraduate dissertation projects. His research interests are in the area of electrical machines, electrical drives and testing, commissioning and maintenance of electrical equipment. He has received INAE student fellowship in the year of 2018.