
Vijay Ukani, Author at Institute of Technology
Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Educational Qualification


Research Area

    Internet of Things, Network Protocol Design, Wireless Network


  • Associate Professor


  • Computer Science & Engineering

General Information

  • 07971652564

  • Faculty office, 5th floor, West Tower


    Network Communication


  • Dr Vijay Ukani is working as an Associate Professor with Computer Science and Engineering Department. He has professional experience of over 24 years that footholds both academia and industry. Dr Ukani received his BE degree in Computer Science and Engineering (2000) from SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra and MTech in Computer Science and Engineering (2006) from MNNIT, Allahabad. He obtained his PhD degree in 2016 from Nirma University, Ahmedabad in the area of Multimedia Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks. His research interest includes Wireless sensor networks, Internet of things, Multimedia processing, and Network protocol design. He has several publications as conference papers, book chapters and journal articles to his credit. He has worked on research projects funded by GUJCOST and SAC, ISRO and currently working on projects funded by SERB and GUJCOST. He has conducted several customized training program on Mobile Application Development, Python, Data Mining, and LaTeX for various industries and research organization. Dr Ukani has been invited by many institutions, industries to conduct workshops, seminars and lecture series on latest tools and technology. He with other faculty members of the department coordinates activities of CoE (Data Science) in the department, in collaboration with SUNY Binghamton, New York. Dr Ukani is also coordinating all Institute level and University level electives and minor courses. He is program coordinator for the M Tech Program in CSE department in Cyber Security Specialization.