Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Disguised Detection using Thermal Imaging

Year : 2021

Mentors : Akash Mecwan

Students involved : 17BEC020-Rohan Bohra, 17BEC040-Aman Jeswani, 17BEC055-Rajiv Mishra

Project : Link

Abstract: In this current situation where identity frauds, theft and such crimes and intrusions are increasing at a faster pace at our homes, offices, banks and even at borders, the degree of security is feeble. Surveillance is imperative everywhere. This report presents the design and development of a disguised detection system using thermal imaging with the help of the thermal imager (AMG8833 sensor) which is Raspberry Pi based system. The primary aim of this project is the development of a cost-effective solution to security breaches faced by different institutions and marketplaces due to disguised perpetrators. The system is divided into different parts. First part is the initial face recognition +and temperature data recording by the sensor. Then the sensor will provide the array of temperatures and the decision will be made whether there is a disguised person present or not by comparing the respective face temperature and surrounding temperature. The whole setup proves to be the low cost solution to the problems faced by many regions such as shops, market places, banks, retailers and small jewellery shops etc. which are the scope of application of this project. Many integrations and other additions to this project can be made to provide further novelty and robustness to the system such as the use of different ML algorithms to ensure multiple face disguise detection in real time.