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To make onself feel comfortable in any climate, at any place

Year : 2020

Mentors : Sandip Mehta

Students involved : Kunal Shirsath (16BIC019)

Project : Link

Abstract: The following report describes in detail about the making and working of the Smart Jacket. A Smart Jacket is used by an individual to stay cool and warm with respect to environment. A person in his life is introduced to many climatic conditions, starting from the dry hot condition to the chilled coolness conditions. The extremities of both the conditions can lead to serious health problems. Changes in single degree can affect body’s biochemistry leading to various abnormalities. An appropriate solution to the extremities of weather is introduced in this report. With the touch of a single button, the user can control the body temperature with respect to the environmental temperature. Acute mountain sickness, high altitude cough are common problems found among mountain climbers which are caused due to the temperature variations. In every such situation the proposed system helps the user efficiently. Such a Jacket helps the user to control and monitor the internal temperature of the body from high temperatures to low temperatures, depending on the season, provided it guards the user from such illness caused due to climate changes and unexpected heating
or cooling effects. The usefulness and practicality of such a Jacket is the motivating factor of embarking on the proposed system.
The report consists of description of Peltier module we have used for making Smart Jacket. The specifications of module used are described in detail. Design of the Smart Jacket and the connections of the components are explained.
Simulation of the Peltier Module is shown using the COMSOL software. Report also describes about the two methods to design the Smart Jacket. The first method is by using Cooling water blocks as heat sink and copper tube as a condenser. The second method is done with the help of heat sinks and heat pipes.