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Team Dyaus (SAE) winner – In-SPACE INDIA CANSAT competition

“Team Dyaus” under the SAE Nirma Collegiate Club representing Institute of Technology, Nirma University, participated in the CANSAT competition which was jointly organized by ASI, IN-SPACE, and ISRO. The final round of the In-SPACE INDIA CANSAT competition, held on 15th to 17th April 2024, in Ognaj, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The team has received overall 2nd rank in the competition.

The competition had started with more than 80 colleges, of which 28 reached the final round, including prestigious institutions such as IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, IIT Jodhpur, BITS Pilani, MIT Pune and more. The round lasted 3 days, during which the CANSATs were launched using drones and their performance monitored during the fall. The team performed excelling and secured overall 2nd place amongst all the final participants. The prize distribution ceremony was honored by Shri S Somnath, Chairman, ISRO, and President of the Astronautical Society of India.

Team Members:

  1. Aaditya Rampal
  2. Vivek Mehtani
  3. Dhir Gandhi
  4. Aryan Shah
  5. Dhruv Jaimini
  6. Haard Patel
  7. Arya Patel
  8. Shivam Soni

Faculty Mentor:

  • Dr Absar Lakdawala
  • Dr Dhaval B Shah
  • Prof P N Kapil

These achievements have been the result of the tireless efforts of the students.