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Ujjaval Modi, Project Manager Sales at Linde GmbH, Linde Engineering Munich, Germany

Nirma gave us wings, four years at Nirma transformed us from Caterpillar to butterfly. There are a lot of things to say about how Nirma shaped our lives. Some of them are described below.

In my professional career, from being trainee engineer to Executive engineer to systems engineer and later on being Project Manager Sales working with the highly specialised Adsorption project team of Linde, I see the roots go deep down to Nirma.

The focus during four years of engineering was not only on mastering engineering skills but also on all-round development. The soft skills which I could acquire helps me still today in
dealing with customers across the world. World is now a small place where you have teams from different parts of the world, speaking different languages, having different cultures but working on common project goals. In such a multinational environment, it is very important that we have engineering plus soft skills. Nirma played a vital role in implanting those seeds, thereby opening doors to a rewarding career, building a strong professional network and fostered personal growth.

The professors always encouraged us to think out of the box. Expert lectures and alumni talk always kept us up to date with recent trends in our industries. Industry visits and Internships during engineering allowed us to gain real world exposure in the industries.

Thanks to my alma mater, as you actually led us from darkness to light, tamso ma jyotirgamaya in its true sense.