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Nirma University – An opportunity and a place to realise one’s true potential

Mr Ravish V Bhatt
Joint Commissioner of Income Tax
(Alumni, Mechanical, ITNU)

A piece of coal can not transform itself into a diamond unless it passes through a process i.e. a process of cleaning, re-shaping, polishing involving passing through extreme cold and hot environments and difficult experiences. It is pertinent to note that such process and place of such process is a key to decide the final quality of “diamond”. Needless to say that Nirma University is a place and various courses offered are such processes to transform a young mind into a full fledged professional ready to embrace challenges of life and enthusiastic about contributing through his/her own efforts into overall well-being of society.

I thoroughly believe that right inputs at the right time in the right environment bring optimal results. In other words, while choosing University for career options, it is extremely important to see details about quality of faculties/professors, quality of peers/fellow students, quality of infrastructure, performance of past students/alumnis and overall mission/vision of the institution along with its ability and commitment to achieve the same. In this regard, I personally feel – Nirma University gets 10/10 in almost all aspects.

Well-designed courses, able and willing faculty members, availability of modern equipments and learning tools, full fledged library wilh subscriptions ot number of online journals, ability to identify and design a course about industry – specific and industry – relevant skill sets, lush-green campus, modern and hygienic canteens and cafeterias, sports infrastructure and high adaptability to changing economic requirement of nation and world from capacity-building point of view etc are few wonderful aspects about Nirma University and its various institutions. In addition to these, Nirma University’s high focus on core studies ensures basic and thorough knowledge, extra curricular activities develop overall personalities, constant inputs on honing soft skills becomes force multiplier for outperforming others at crucial stages of career.

Above mentioned beliefs and observations are not based on hypothetical analysis but as an outcome of a pure observation as a student of the Institute of technology, Nirma University from 2004 to 2008 and as an alumni of this University for the past 15 years.

I thank Nirma University for making me realize my true potential and it was indeed an opportunity of life to be at Nirma University campus to see myself and everyone around me experiencing metamorphosis in a true sense.

Author : Ravish V Bhatt (04BME004)