The faculty at the institute comprise of the pool of talented and dedicated faculty members committed to teaching – learning process with diversified wealth, knowledge, experience and academic speciality. In this ever-changing technical world, the faculty members keep themselves updated with the state-of-the-art tools and technologies. They also contribute to the technical fraternity through research and development in their respective domains.
Information Security, Wireless Networks, Networking
FPGA based Digital system Design, Testing of VLSI Design
Power electronics & Electrical Drives , Sensors and Measurement Techniques, Spin Qubit modelling
Manufacturing Engineering
Experimental Investigations of Structures, Structural Engineering, sustainable materials
Thermodynamics, Modeling and Simulations, Process Integration, Biofuels
Calcium Dynamics in Cardiac Myocytes
Automobile Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines, Creativity and Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Thermal Engineering
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thermal System Simulation and Design
Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering
Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design
Power Systems Engineering, Renewable Energy Technology
Analog CMOS Design, Analog and Mixed Signal design
Material Science, Corrosion Science, Analytical method development & validation for assay, interdisciplinary research
Multiphase Flow, Two phase instrumentation, Process intensification, Extraction of active ingredients from herbs.
Advanced Electrical Machines
Cryogenics , Experimental Heat Transfer
Spin Qubit modelling, Quantum Circuit Optimization, Quantum Gates
Wireless Sensor Networks, Computational Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning Applications
Image Processing, Machine Learning
Indusrial Analytical Chemistry
Information Security, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Software Engineering, Database Management System, JAVA, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
Applied Mathematics
Artificial Intelligence, cyber security and laws, Electric Vehicles
Material Science
Information Security, Computer Network
Thermal Engineering, Cryogenics , Experimental Heat Transfer
Manufacturing Processes, Ultrasonic Assisted Incremental forming
AI/ML, Web Technology
Data Science, Applied Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Data Analytics
Image Processing, Machine Learning
Applied Mathematics, Control Theory
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Data Science, Machine Learning, Natural Language processing, Deep Learning
Power Apparatus and Systems
Image Processing, Networking, Information Security, IoT
Automation and Control, Electrical Engineering
Power System
Power electronics & Electrical Drives
Web Technology, Software Project Management, Software Engineering, Advances in software Engineering
Machine Learning, Data Mining , Big Data Analytics
Wireless Sensor Networks
Compiler Design, Cloud computing, Data Structure & Algorithms
Information Security
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability , Thermal Comfort
CAD/CAM, Condition Monitoring of Mechanical Systems
Applied Mathematics
Condensed Matter Physics
Vibration control & Machin design
Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives
Environmental Engineering
Big Data Analytics, Data Analytics, Data Mining
CAD, Robotics, Stress Analysis
Cleaner Production in Industries, Advanced oxidation technologies for treatment of industrial effluents, Green Hydrogen, Pollution Abatement, Sustainable Development issues
Blockchain implication in Accounting
Computational Neuro-Informatics, Signal Processing
Data Structure & Algorithms, Algorithms, Web Technology
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Morphological Changes in Coastal Region, Water Resource Management, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering & Remote Sensing and GIS
Condensed Matter Physics
Construction Management
Software Engineering, Programming
Power System, Soft computing methods
Advanced oxidation technologies for treatment of industrial effluents, Environmental Audit
cyber security and laws, Malware and Ransomware Analysis, Spiritual Science, Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship
Construction Technology and Management
Embedded System Design, BioTechnology
Cloud Computing , Advances in software Engineering, Cluster and Grid Computing, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Management of Information Systems, Advanced Computing Systems
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Advanced Electrical Machines
Polymer Science and Technology, Polymers for Space Applications, Biopolymers
Condensed Matter Physics
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives , Power Quality, Power Electronic Converters and their Control, Multi-Level Inverters for Induction Motor Drives, Renewable Energy Technology
Communication Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Image Processing, M.Tech VLSI Design
Manufacturing Processes
High Performance Computing, Modern Database Design, GPU computing, Cluster and Grid Computing, Compiler Design
Intuitionistic fuzzy sets
Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems, Reconfigurable Computing
Geotechnical Engineering
Catalysis, Petroleum Refining
Material Science, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Science and Technology
Heterogeneous Catalysis, catalytic ozonation
Manufacturing Engineering
Computer Science, Wireless Sensor Networks, IoT, Machine and Deep Learning Applications
Material Science, Polymer Science and Technology
Deep Learning
Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering & Remote Sensing and GIS
Information Security, Operating Systems, Machine Learning
Operating Systems, Database Management System, Data Communication
Ad hoc Networks, Network and Security Infrastructure
Analog CMOS Design, OTFT
Power Electronic Converters and their Control, Active Power Filters, Multi-Level Inverters for Induction Motor Drives, PWM Front-End Regenerative Converters, Electric Vehicles
Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence
Transportation Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Analog CMOS Design, Embedded System Design, Edge Computing, Intelligent Systems
Applied Machine Learning and Deep Learning
cyber security and laws, Network and Security Infrastructure, Multimedia Internet of Things, Lightweight Security Algorithms, Information security
Construction Engineering and Project Management
Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design
Machine Learning
Wireless Communications, Signal Processing
Service Oriented Architecture and Webservices
Wireless Communications
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Image Processing
Image Processing
Thermal Engineering
Image Blur parameter estimation, restoration, Machine Learning
Incremental Forming, CAD/CAM
Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, Wireless Networks
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Optimization Techniques
Microelectronics, Control Theory, Fractional order control
Cloud computing, Machine Learning
Machine Learning, Audio and Speech Processing
Power Systems
Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Eye Tracking
Power System, Power System Protection and Switchgear
Renewable Energy, Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Audio and Speech Processing
Supramolecular chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Wireless Sensor Networks, Digital Logic Design
Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Latex, Data Analysis through Excel, Power BI
Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Programming, Web Technology, IoT
Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language processing
Power System, Power System Protection and Switchgear
FPGA based Digital system Design, VLSI and Embedded Systems
Power electronics & Electrical Drives
Database Management System, Operating Systems
Electrical Machines, Testing and Commissioning of Electrical Equipements
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics
Laser Physics, Material Science
Applied Mathematics, Operations research
Compiler Design, Language Processing
Structural Engineering
Power Apparatus and Systems
Thermal Engineering
Communication Engineering
Control System
Information security, Computer Networks, Cyber Physical Systems
Machine Learning, Image Processing, Computer Organization
Embedded Systems, Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design
Cloud Computing , Information Security, AI/ML
Vibration control & Machin design
Microprocessor systems and applications
Robotics and Control, Humanoid Robots, Embedded Systems, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Intelligent Systems
Robotics, Design Engineering
Wireless Networks
Wireless Communications